Bayeux Tapestry Posters and Historical Second Order Concepts
Inspired a little by AQA's GCSE spec where it talks about Second Order Concepts of " continuity, change, cause, consequence, significance, similarity and difference" , and the Bayeux Tapestry Meme-Generator , I came up with these. They are designed at least to get students thinking about how to use these concepts (having used other similar but less interesting things in the past). Hopefully they will also give students a starting point for their own work. There are probably things one could quibble about; whether the text is readable by SEN, and to what extent these are emphasising the traditional "top-down" understanding of hierarchy by saying that the king is more important than the people. I'll put the files in this Google Drive directory. Here you'll find the images (which I'll try to print on A3) and the file I downloaded from the Bayeux Tapestry Meme-Generator , which might allow you to make your own version (I've not had the chan...